Saturday, August 29, 2009

ATM card sooo convinience

Story begin with -- a friend who like to withdraw whenever he need cash and maybe twice or more a week from ATM machine.

Reason: Can save $$, prevent unnecessary spend on other things, better control. Since ATM is everywhere so convenience not matter which bank also can use as long as got MEPs.

Let's take maybank ATM charges as example:-
First 4 cash withdraw in a month is free, let's calculate 8 time (twice a week) a month he withdraw. Somemore he love convenience and withdraw everywhere, oh yeah ~~ really convenience... got MEPs mah.... ^_~

So let's assume 3 time from other bank, kena charges RM1 for each transaction
So each month spend extra RM3 + 0.50 (5th time withdraw from same bank)

The petrol and time you waste goto ATM and withdraw RM ?? let's say RM10 each month...
Do the math: RM3.50 + RM 10 = RM13.50
1 year 12 month RM13.50 x 12 = RM162
Another 40 years of life RM162 x 40 = RM6,480
The time you waste ..... priceless

Smart way to control spend? uh huh
End up spend more? ha haa

Transaction via ATM*
a) The first four (4) cash
withdrawals in a month at any
Maybank ATM.

b) The fifth cash withdrawal and
thereafter in a month at any
Maybank ATM**

c) Maybank MEPs ATM shared Network


RM0.50 per withdrawal***

RM1.00 per withdrawal

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